Clarifying Title IX, VAWA, and Clery Act Definitions: A Guide for Schools

Recent updates to the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) have caused some confusion regarding how schools should define domestic violence for Title IX compliance. Here’s a breakdown to ensure clarity:

The Issue:

  • The VAWA 2022 definition of domestic violence includes non-violent offenses.
  • The 2024 Title IX Rule, however, uses a narrower definition.

The Reassurance:

  • The Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has clarified that schools can continue using the existing definitions from the Clery Act (2015) to comply with Title IX.
  • These Clery Act definitions remain clear and enforceable.

Why the Separate Definitions?

  • The broader VAWA definition applies specifically to programs receiving VAWA grants, which offer victim services not available under Title IX.
  • Title IX focuses on creating a safe learning environment, free from discrimination on the basis of sex.

What Schools Should Do:

  • Refer to the Clery Act (2015) definitions for domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking when implementing Title IX policies and procedures.
  • Remember, schools cannot modify these definitions.


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